global Tax FATCA Jurisdictions and their Intergovernmental Agreements February 02, 2015 Countries with intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) under FATCA. In accordance with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), several countries have adopted intergovernmental agreements (IGA) to make it easier to comply with FATCA regulations. Model 1 IGA Model 1 IGAs require Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) to report all FATCA concerned information to their own governmental agencies. Countries that have signed this type of IGA include: Australia Italy South Africa United Kingdom Model 2 IGA Model 2 IGAs require FFIs to report FATCA concerned information directly to the IRS. Countries that have signed this type of IGA include: Chile Hong Kong Switzerland For a complete list of countries and dates they signed their IGAs, read our article, “Jurisdictions with FATCA intergovernmental agreements”