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Featured Event

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing: Better for You and Your World

Event Details


February 12, 2020


5:30 PM - 7:00 PM


The University Club, 219 Benefit Street, Providence, RI


Brian Zdeblick's headshot

Brian Zdeblick

VP - Specialist, Nuveen

Join KLR Wealth Management for a lively and informative introduction to ESG investing.

Although this investment strategy has been around for decades, it is rapidly gaining popularity among investors today. In our session, we will help you understand the basics of ESG, the long term value offered through an ESG investment, as well as dispelling some common myths about ESG including:

  • ESG investments perform poorly - ESG analysis may actually lead to better investment performance.
  • There are not enough ESG options - The range of ESG solutions available to investors is large and growing.
  • ESG strategies involve higher risk - ESG criteria have the potential to improve how risk is managed within a portfolio.

An increasing number of investors are considering ESG investment strategies, due to a range of factors that we believe are important for all investors to understand. We hope you'll attend our session to learn what ESG approach may be best suited to achieve your investment goals, and how KLR Wealth Management can help you get started with this investment strategy.


Timeslot Details
5:30 - 5:45pm Registration
5:45 - 5:50pm Introduction
5:50 - 6:00pm Economic Update
6:00 - 6:30pm ESG Investing: Better for You and Your World
6:30 - 7:00pm Questions - Cocktails & hors d'oeuvres
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