By David M. Desmarais
By Daniel M. Andrea
By Loree B. Dubois
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Rising Star Services Group
Becoming a partner in a law firm can be stressful, we can help. Complete the form below for help navigating your new financial concerns.
For many lawyers, becoming a partner is a priority, yet it’s surprising how few are prepared for the financial implications of such an undertaking. In fact, many are uninformed about what joining a law firm partnership really entails—both in terms of the financial commitment and the personal wealth management the partnership requires.
KLR's Rising Stars Services Group can help with the important financial considerations all new law firm partners should take into account. Between capital contributions, multistate returns, foreign tax credits and bigger retirement benefits, there's a lot to be concerned about.
How can we help?
KLR’s team of tax experts can help you navigate your new financial concerns including:
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