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Lawrence I. Kahn, CPA Featured in Boston Business Journal’s Voices From the Front Lines

February 22, 2013

Larry Kahn Interviewed by BBJ on Biggest Challenges Facing Our Economy

KLR President Larry Kahn, selected to provide his opinion on “What the Biggest Fiscal Challenges Facing Our Economy” by the Boston Business Journal.

The BBJ recently asked five of Boston’s top accounting minds to measure the concerns they are fielding from clients and how, in their opinions, to best address the significant threats facing our national, state and local economies.

When asked What the Biggest Fiscal Challenges Facing Our Economy, Larry responded:

“One of the indicators for a healthy economy is the Debt-to-GDP ratio. The biggest financial challenge facing the economy is that our current debt to GDP ratio is 73%, the highest it has been since WWII, when it was 109%. If this trend continues, our credit ratings will suffer and the costs involved in funding the debt will weaken us as a Nation.”

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