Moshe Golden , CPA, MST
Partner, Tax Services Group
- Over 25 years of experience in taxation in both public accounting and private industry
- Extensive experience with closely held companies and owners
- High-net-worth families
- Tax Planning related to executive compensation
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting - Providence College
- Master of Science in Taxation - Bryant University
- Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants (RISCPA)
- Federal and State Tax Committee - RISCPA
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Estate Planning Council of Rhode Island
- Providence Hebrew Day School - President
- Rhode Island Foundation, Professional Advisory Council - Past Member
"One of the best feelings I have is when I help my clients overcome their financial challenges, especially with saving money on taxes. At KLR, we have an amazing team that will go the extra mile to assist each other and therefore our clients benefit greatly."